Friday, March 28, 2008

Phoebs Here !

Yo .. people ! Since Joanne updated the 1st post so now is so my turn ! What is up with all these day ? It seems just so you know weird .. Everything is not going smoothly ...

This few days , I have just been wondering what went wrong in our school life ? A few of our family seemed just so devastated ! Daddy and Mi Jiao , what is wrong seriously ? If you want to share your problems , I will be always available ... I mean not only me but our whole family ! We are one great family , remember ? Appreciate our relationship as we are still together before going separated ways after Form 5 ...

Here .. something I want to share with you guys ..

Life Is Like Coffee

It smells so good , yet at times , it can taste so bad .

Life is like coffee ,

It looks tempting ,

smells good ,

if taken alone , tastes real bad .

Cocoa beans are like your life background ,

Some people come from a rough surface ,

Others softer ,

Nevertheless , it is mixed with what we would call

the Sugar Of Life .

Sugar is like your principles ,

The more sugar there is ,

The better it tastes .

Whipped cream is like friends ,

They come in abundance ,

Thick and creamy ,

They are the topping of life ,

Before you know it , the whipped cream has melted , dissolved or nevertheless eaten .

Those melted are left behind ,

Those eaten are very soon stale and even

" passed out "

Those dissolved however , are mixed into life , in

all its good smell and horrid taste .

True friends as I would say !

Cocoa sprinkles are enemies ,

Some identifiable , others too small to be seen .

Many a times , covering the whipped cream of life .

When sprinkled , some fall off , having no effect

on life .

Whereas, some land on the whipped cream .

eroding some of our friendships , causing a slight

dent in our once so smooth whipped cream ;

And lastly , some seep right through the whipped cream into the coffee ,

being unseen ,

yet having such a huge persistent impact .

The last and most important part , is the stirrer .

Without the stirrer , coffee goes nowhere ,

Just another cup , filled with so much yet untouched .

Which brings us to God ,

God is pretty much like the coffee stirrer ,

He puts life into action ,

With all its sweetness , thickness , and taste .

Be it catching any melting whipped cream ,

to removing cocoa sprinkles ;

it is a useful and impactful part .

Ever noticed your coffee going the wrong way ,

even with the stirrer in it ?

Well then , the problem is not the beans ,

the sugar ,

the whipped cream ,

the cocoa sprinkles , or even the stirrer .

All these items are there , yet only YOU have the choice to CHOOSE ,

from how much sugar you'll have to choosing which stirrer .

Many a times we blame God for stirring our lives the wrong way ,

but the truth is WHO do you put as God ?

Often we make materials , stars , friends , and even work as our God ,

and we then sit back and wonder what went wrong .

So there you have it , something to think about ...

Till next time ...

Drink coffee and have fun !

=] , God bless ! Leave everything in God's hands and you will be okay ...

Lovely angel ... (-_*)” .. winkies …

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